Monday, April 4, 2022

Looking Inward and Sharing Outward

Show Notes

Tenisha and Beth discuss meaningful faculty evaluation with GCC colleagues Alisa Cooper and Kirt Shineman.


Research Quoted

"Faculty development program evaluation: a need to embrace complexity" by Nicolas Fernandez and Marie-Claude Audetat


  • "Last Words" coming soon in Text and Performance Quarterly (
  • "Entanglements:  An (Auto)Ethnographic Performance of a Friend’s Divorce and the Fear of Contagion in My Marriage" coming soon in QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking (

Friday, March 11, 2022

Using Data to Guide Student Nudging

Show Notes

Tenisha and Beth talk with Alisa Cooper from GCC and Shelley Rodrigo from the University of Arizona about a research study they conducted using student course data to guide messaging to students. 


Work from Guests

Resources on Student Messaging

  • Crafting Student Messages: Resource that came out of the research study and provides tips on messaging students.
  • Sample Messages: These are actual messages that were sent by one teacher during the semester.

Colleagues Who Participated in Study

Dr. Alisa Cooper, GCC
Dr. Shelley Rodrigo, UofA
Mary Alpaugh, GCC
Holly Jacobus, GCC
Sara Walton, GCC
Mary Beth Beattie, GCC
Chris Nielson, GCC
Sherry Wangen, GCC

Friday, February 25, 2022

PLC is the Place to Be, or The Story of One Professional Learning Community

Show Notes

Tenisha and Beth talk with Amanda Murphy and Holly Jacobus about their organically grown PLC made up of colleagues all teaching a new course and what benefits that has had for students and themselves.